Posted in Other 6 days ago.
The Staff Pharmacist performs all the duties regarding the preparation and dispensing of drugs, mixtures, agents and solutions based on physician's orders for inpatients and outpatients use and directs the work of the Technicians and Interns to assist in accomplishing these tasks. The pharmacist is also the in-house drug information, therapeutic, and chemistry expert and as such is expected to bridge what gaps exist between non-optimal prescribing, and optimal therapeutic adventures. All Pharmacists are expected to be adept at therapeutic drug monitoring and are expected to be capable of judging which patient are potential candidates for said monitoring. Pharmacists are expected to take a pro-active stance to circumvent therapeutic mis-adventures thereby improving positive patient outcomes. Pharmacists or agents under their direct supervision will also provide patient education when appropriate, thereby ensuring enhanced patient compliance while con-currently meeting with OBRA regulations.
Duty 1: Enters physician orders accurately and timely; monitors and screens for interactions and potential adverse effects; evaluates appropriate doses based on renal/hepatic function, disease state complications and age specific guidelines. Contacts prescribers for changes in therapy as appropriate.
Duty 2: Acts as the hospital expert in providing drug information. Is knowledgeable in the most current drug information references and provides education as needed.
Duty 3: Complies with all state and national guidelines concerning the practice of pharmacy, including but not limited to the State Board of Pharmacy and JCAHO. Is knowledgeable about legal changes concerning the practice of pharmacy and takes an active role in communicating and implementing these changes.
Duty 4: Provides direction and is a strong role model for all pharmacy technicians and pharmacy interns. Understands the function of the technician/intern and is capable of teaching and performing these duties.
Duty 5: Is continually conscious and proactive in all areas concerning medication safety; reviews safety information received from the Medication Safety Team and other outside safety resources (ISMP) to identify and improve procedures within the pharmacy department that could lead to potential safety issues.
Duty 6: Fills outpatient prescriptions and counsels as appropriate for associates, and hospice, home health, home-going and indigent patients. Understands and follows policy concerning the obligation to fill prescriptions vs the financial ramifications.
Duty 7: Helps control drug costs through formulary input, inventory control and waste management. Monitors IV to PO conversions. Follows P&T substitution list and recommends changes of non-formulary items that are not listed on the substitution list.
Duty 8: Engages in activities to advance personal education, beyond mandatory CE. Attends and takes an active role in pharmacy leadership meetings and is involved in professional associations. Is involved in multidisciplinary committees within the hospital. Is willing to take on extra projects.
Duty 9: Supports fellow staff members; Maintains a positive attitude regardless of work flow; Follows through on problem resolution to the satisfaction of all involved; Promotes good relations between all pharmacy staff members; Maintains a professional attitude when dealing with other healthcare professionals, patients etc. Always provides upward support of leadership within the organization.
Duty 10: Accurately maintains narcotic inventory; Helps with the monthly inventory count of narcotics in conjunction with the Pharmacy Operations Manager or Director of Pharmacy; Is aware and is actively involved in the security of all medications; Can recognize signs of drug diversion and reports any suspected activity.
Duty 11: Is familiar with all of the technology associated with the pharmacy department including but not limited to AdminRx, Robot, Packager, TPN computer and compounder, fax machine, copy machine, computers and printers. Trouble shoots for the nursing staff as necessary.
Oldcastle |
$14.00 - $26.00 per hour
$14.00 - $26.00 per hour