Create A New Account

Fields marked with are required.

Minimum is 6 characters
Must match password above


Why create an account?

Creating a new account with Job Opportunities for disABLED Veterans (JOFDAV) allows individuals to connect with future employers by posting your resume, signing up for email and SMS job alerts and finding detailed information about potential jobs that could be a perfect fit for you. Our site is completely free for job seekers!

Job Seekers

You can sign up manually by filling in our form on your left or you can sign up with your Facebook or Google Account respectively. It is up to you.


Employers, to sign up, you will need to use our form on your left. Make sure to check the box that says "Register as a corporation to post jobs" to expand the form with required company fields.

Employers pay a fee of $50.00 for each job post, and we also offer batch batch job posting via our API. For a low monthly fee, API access will allow you to post hundreds of jobs directly from your infrastructure to disABLED Person ( and Job Opportunities for Disabled American Veterans (

If you are a company interested in batch job posting, you can sign up for an account and purchase instant access or contact us for instructions.

Thousands of individuals like you have found employment through our sites.

If you're wondering how your information will be used, you can always have a look at our privacy policy.