Job Description:
Transfer Pricing SeniorTeaneck,NJ:
Rvw/anlyz client oprtns/transctns f/prprtn of cmplx transfr pricng study analyses/rprts. Suprvse/train staff/intrns.
Reqd: Bachelr deg in Accountng, Finance, Economcs or clsly reltd field.Skills reqd: Strng tax; accountng; anlyticl, criticl thnkng; strng comptr:Excel & Word; intrprsnl; oral/writtn; dtail-orientd & multitsk. Domstc travl 5% time. Telecomutng prmittd. Hv prf of legl authrty to wrk in US. Vist EOS Accountants LLP careersite submt CV f/JobReq#1084
recblid wkkvqfdy87im7jx7fkbjab9sdndc2t