Posted in Health Care about 16 hours ago.
Type: Part-Time
• Become familiar with the facility's administrative structure as introduced in the pre-training orientation session
• Report to the charge nurse all accidents/incidents (even of an unknown source) you observe on the shift they occur.
• Report all changes in the resident's condition to the Nurse Supervisor/Charge Nurse as soon as practical.
• Assist with errand of residents/staff
• Assist with secretarial tasks at the nursing station (making copies, filing, etc) as requested
• Straighten resident closets/drawers - label resident belongings. Complete personal belonging form • Maintain orderly/clean resident rooms and common areas (utility rooms, showers, resident bathrooms, day rooms, break room, etc)
• Follow established policies concerning exposure to blood/body fluids
• Ensure that residents who are unable to call for help are checked frequently
• Answer call bells promptly & report needs to CNA/Nurse
• Make rounds assisting residents by opening/closing blinds, straightening blankets, making sure call bells are within reach, etc
• Turn all medications found in the resident's room/possession over to the Nurse Supervisor/Charge Nurse
• Watch for and report any change in room temperature, ventilation, lighting, etc • Transport residents to & from meals/activities/outdoors/etc
• Provide residents with Reality Orientations as instructed
• Pass linen. Make unoccupied beds. Put extra covers on beds.
• Use the wristband or photo card file to identify residents before serving meals, etc, as necessary
• Clean feeder tables, wheelchairs, bedside/over bed tables, urinals, bedpans, refrigerators, microwaves, etc
• Place supplies/briefs in resident rooms/ common areas/ Unpack and stock supply room when deliveries arrive.
• Replace trash can liners in wastebaskets • Inform the Nurse Supervisor/Charge Nurse of any changes in the resident's condition so that appropriate information can be entered in the resident's care plan.
• Pass snacks/trays to residents (To include passing protective clothing covers, opening milk cartons, refiling drinks, cutting food, etc.) Return trays to dietary. NEVER FEED THE RESIDENTS
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$19.00 - $35.00 per hour
$19.00 - $35.00 per hour