Accurately interpret and apply information from work orders, job orders, specifications, blueprints, ISO's or other drawings and recognize basic blueprint terms and symbols for job application.
Identify, recognize and demonstrate safe usage of power tools and hand tools appropriate for the job.
Recognize various materials used in piping systems and demonstrate a working knowledge of appropriate material handling techniques.
Select and safely use appropriate equipment which may include (but not limited to) manlifts, fork lifts, and company trucks.
Demonstrates knowledge and skills in safe rigging practices.
Identify, explain and perform crane hand signals.
Identify and recognize components of structural systems.
Demonstrate ability to accurately layout and fabricate structural iron.
Demonstrate ability to locate and mark reference points for structural components on foundation using master straightedge, square, transit, builder's levels and measuring tape.
Alight structure or plates to be assembled on boiler frames, tanks, or structures, using plumb bobs, wedges, dogs or turnbuckles.
Demonstrate appropriate techniques in handling sections or structural parts in order to facilitate fitting edges together.
Bolt or weld equipment sections using approved materials and procedures such as stacks, chutes, ladders, catwalks, etc.
1- 2 years of Journeyman experience.
Should have at least 2 - 3 years as an apprentice/helper in one of the mechanical areas such as
Ironworker, Boilermaker, Pipefitter-Bolt Up, Pipefitter Fabricator or Welding.