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How to Improve Remote Working for Employees with Disabilities

Before the pandemic hit the world, workers - including those who are disabled - asked their employees to work from home, but they were largely refused. The pandemic proved that workers can be productive from home and exposed the folly of calling remote work a hardship. Companies must offer accessible and usable options for everyone according to the ADA accommodations for remote employees to promote diversity and inclusion. If you want to thrive in the new era of corporate function, read this blog to learn how to improve remote working for employees with disabilities.


Tips to Improve Remote Work for People With Disabilities


Here are some tips -


1.      Promote an Inclusive Culture

One of the best ways to empower employees is to create a culture where they feel valued and respected. However, this cannot be achieved overnight and requires you to chalk out a long-term inclusivity strategy. This strategy should focus on - 


       Running Accessibility Surveys

Though employees are not required to disclose their disabilities, HR should ensure employees that doing so will help the company offer appropriate assistance. The whole process can be carried out via accessibility surveys, and employees can be reassured that no one except the HR team members will know about their sensitive information. In this survey, employees can mention the daily technical difficulties they face and the accommodations they expect from the company.


       Training Employees

After gathering the accessibility needs of the employees, a company should fetch information about any existing barriers and build training courses. Self-paced online courses, webinars, and workshops are some ways companies can train their hybrid and remote employees on digital accessibility. The training material should be relevant to the workforce’s tasks and remediations, and all employees should be encouraged to help out their colleagues with disabilities as they can.


       Offering Accessibility Resources

Offer assistive technologies and accommodations to help employees set up their remote workspaces. Look into extra resources you can provide in the way of accessibility training material, guides on inclusivity in the workplace, and more. Establish clear channels for employees to communicate concerns, request accommodations and support, and provide feedback.


2.      Make All Communication Processes Accessible

A requirement under the ADA accommodations for remote employees is to provide an accessible work environment so that disabled workers can do their jobs efficiently. Accessibility includes removing the barriers faced by many disabled remote workers as well as in-office workers, including -


       Making Documents More Accessible

Document remediation is vital so that people with disabilities can easily access and edit them. People who are blind, people who have low vision, and dyslexic individuals may use screen readers or Braille devices to navigate documents.


       Making Virtual Presentations Accessible

Real-time transcriptions, sending accessible materials in advance, and forwarding recorded materials afterward are some steps that can help disabled employees fully participate.


       Writing Accessible Emails

Text-only emails sent through a personal email client are better from an accessibility perspective than image-heavy marketing emails with heavy coding and responsive elements inaccessible to screen readers. It is crucial to understand your accessibility features in advance.


       Making video and audio content accessible

Avoiding flickering and using captions, text descriptions, and transcripts are some ways to make video and audio content more accessible.


Final Words

Disabled employees gain a significant advantage from remote work. Creating more accessible work environments compliant with ADA recommendations for remote workers paves the way for future career advancements and makes employers more accessible. Disabled employees are an underutilized workforce who deserve a seat at the employment table, which is still far too challenging to access. Making remote work practices accessible will set your company and employees up for success.

Restful Slumber: A Veteran's Guide to Overcoming Back Pain for Better Sleep

You've served your country with honor and now face a new battle: finding restful sleep amidst back pain. This is not just a discomfort but a challenge that demands a strategic approach. In your pursuit of peaceful nights, let's explore targeted strategies tailored to your unique experiences and needs. JOFDAV is here to help you get the sleep you need to thrive in daily life:

Adjusting Your Intake for Better Nights

Your day's consumption heavily influences your night's rest. Alcohol, while seemingly relaxing, can disrupt your sleep cycle and aggravate back pain. Similarly, caffeine's stimulating effects linger longer than you might expect and hinder your ability to fall and stay asleep. As a veteran, focus on limiting these substances, especially in the evening, to foster a more conducive environment for sleep.

Redefining Boundaries in Work and Rest

Working from home can blur the boundaries between your professional and personal life, inadvertently contributing to sleep disturbances. Establishing clear routines, dedicating specific areas for work, and consciously avoiding caffeine later in the day can help mitigate these effects. As a veteran, you understand the importance of discipline and routine; apply these principles to effectively distinguish between your work and rest times.

Alternative Approaches to Comfort

In your journey of exploring forms of THCA, consider its potential to alleviate chronic pain and reduce stress. Many veterans like you have found THCA products beneficial for these purposes. These perks can indirectly improve your sleep quality by addressing underlying issues of pain and anxiety.

Embracing Warmth for Muscle Relief

A warm bath or a heating pad before bed can work wonders. This simple practice helps relax your muscles to ease back pain and set the stage for a comfortable night. As someone who's endured physical strain, this approach can be effective in decompressing your body and mind. The heat from the bath or pad increases blood flow, which can reduce muscle stiffness and promote healing.

Enhancing Sleep with Supportive Accessories

Consider the role of lumbar pillows or wedges in your sleep. These tools are not just about comfort; they're about maintaining the correct spinal alignment, which is crucial for someone with back pain. Experiment with different types and placements to find what best supports your body's needs. The right pillow can alleviate pressure points and support the natural curve of your spine.

Gentle Stretching: Your Pre-Sleep Ritual

Integrating gentle stretches into your nightly routine can be transformative. These movements help relax your muscles and release tension in your back. As a veteran, you're probably familiar with the importance of physical upkeep. Use this knowledge in your pre-sleep routine for enhanced relaxation and pain relief. Simple stretches like knee-to-chest or spinal twists can significantly improve flexibility and reduce discomfort.

Crafting a Sanctuary for Sleep

Your bedroom should be a haven for rest. Adjusting the room temperature, investing in a comfortable mattress, and minimizing noise and light disruptions are key. As someone accustomed to adapting environments for optimal outcomes, apply this skill to your sleeping space.

Create an atmosphere that promotes uninterrupted, restful sleep. Ensuring your mattress provides the right balance of support and comfort is vital for managing back pain.

Wrapping Up

You've faced and overcome numerous challenges as a veteran. Now, it's time to tackle the challenge of sleep amidst back pain. By incorporating these targeted strategies into your nightly routine, you can enhance your sleep quality and find the rest you deserve.

Embrace these changes, not just as recommendations, but as vital steps in your journey toward better health and well-being. Remember that your service has earned you the right to peaceful nights; now, it's about achieving them.


6 Critical Skills Veterans Can Carry Over to Civilian Careers


Introduction: The value of veterans in the civilian workforce


Veterans bring a wealth of skills, experiences, and qualities that make them valuable assets in the civilian workforce. Their time in the military has equipped them with a unique set of skills that can be transferred seamlessly to various civilian careers. From communication and leadership skills to problem-solving and teamwork abilities, veterans possess a strong foundation that sets them apart. This article will delve into six critical skills that veterans can carry over to civilian careers, highlighting their adaptability and the value they bring to the table.

Communication Skills: Translating military jargon to civilian language


One of the key skills that veterans possess is effective communication. However, in order to thrive in the civilian workforce, they must learn to translate their military jargon into language that is easily understood by their colleagues. This requires the ability to convey complex ideas and procedures in a clear and concise manner. Veterans are adept at breaking down complex concepts and explaining them in a way that is relatable to their civilian counterparts. Their ability to communicate effectively fosters stronger working relationships and ensures the smooth functioning of teams.

Moreover, veterans bring a level of professionalism and discipline to their communication style. They are accustomed to following strict protocols and adhering to a chain of command, which translates into clear and concise communication in the civilian workplace. This skill allows veterans to navigate complex situations, present ideas persuasively, and build trust with their colleagues. By leveraging their communication skills, veterans can bridge the gap between military and civilian environments, fostering collaboration and understanding.

Leadership Skills: Leading by example and inspiring others

Leadership is a cornerstone of military training, and veterans possess a wealth of experience in this area. Whether they held formal leadership positions or not, veterans have been exposed to situations that demand strong leadership qualities. They understand the importance of leading by example and inspiring others to achieve a common goal. This skill set is highly transferable to civilian careers, where effective leadership is crucial for success.

Veterans are trained to remain calm under pressure and make critical decisions in challenging circumstances. They are skilled at motivating and guiding their team members, creating a sense of unity and purpose. Their ability to adapt to changing situations and navigate through uncertainty makes them natural leaders. By leveraging their leadership skills, veterans can excel in roles that require strong organizational abilities, strategic thinking, and the ability to inspire and guide others.

Problem-solving Skills: Adapting to new challenges and finding innovative solutions


The military is an environment that constantly presents new challenges, and veterans are adept at adapting and finding innovative solutions. This skill is invaluable in the civilian workforce, where problem-solving is a daily requirement. Veterans possess a unique ability to assess situations, identify potential obstacles, and develop effective strategies to overcome them.

Veterans are trained to think critically and analytically, enabling them to approach problems with a systematic mindset. They have a keen eye for detail and are skilled at identifying patterns and trends. In addition, their ability to remain calm and composed under pressure allows them to make rational decisions in high-stress situations. These problem-solving skills make veterans an asset in any industry, as they are able to tackle complex challenges and drive innovative solutions.

Teamwork Skills: Collaborating effectively with diverse groups of people


In the military, teamwork is essential for mission success, and veterans excel in collaborating with diverse groups of people. They understand the importance of working towards a common goal and appreciate the unique perspectives and skills that each team member brings to the table. Veterans are skilled at building strong relationships, fostering a sense of camaraderie, and promoting a positive team dynamic.

Moreover, veterans are adept at adapting to different working styles and personalities, which allows them to navigate through diverse teams with ease. They possess strong interpersonal skills and are effective communicators, making them valuable team players. Veterans understand the power of collaboration and are able to leverage the strengths of their teammates to achieve optimal results. Their ability to work effectively in teams makes them highly desirable in the civilian workforce, where collaboration is essential for success.

Time Management Skills: Meeting deadlines and prioritizing tasks

In the military, time management is crucial for mission success, and veterans bring this skill into the civilian workforce. They are accustomed to working in fast-paced environments with tight deadlines, where the ability to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently is essential. Veterans possess a strong work ethic and understand the importance of meeting deadlines and delivering quality work.

Veterans are skilled at planning and organizing their work, ensuring that tasks are completed in a timely manner. They are adept at identifying priorities and allocating resources effectively to achieve optimal results. Moreover, veterans are highly disciplined and possess a strong sense of responsibility, allowing them to stay focused and productive even when faced with multiple deadlines. Their time management skills make them valuable assets in any industry, as they can juggle multiple tasks and meet deadlines consistently.

Technical Skills: Leveraging specialized training and expertise

Veterans often receive specialized training and develop technical skills during their time in the military. These technical skills can be highly valuable in civilian careers, as they provide veterans with a competitive edge. Whether it is expertise in operating advanced machinery, proficiency in information technology, or specialized medical training, veterans bring a level of technical proficiency that is highly sought after in various industries.

Moreover, veterans are quick learners and adapt to new technologies and tools with ease. They have a strong foundation in learning and applying new skills, which allows them to stay abreast of industry advancements. Veterans' technical skills, combined with their ability to learn quickly, make them valuable assets in the civilian workforce. They can leverage their specialized training and expertise to contribute to the growth and success of their organizations.

Transferable Skills for Specific Civilian Roles: Examples and Case Studies

While veterans possess a wide range of transferable skills, it is essential to highlight their applicability to specific civilian roles. Let us explore some examples and case studies that display how veterans' skills can be leveraged in various industries:

1.    Project Management: Veterans' leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills make them excellent candidates for project management roles. Their ability to lead teams, communicate effectively, and adapt to changing circumstances enables them to drive successful project outcomes.

2.    Sales and Marketing: Veterans' communication, teamwork, and leadership skills make them well-suited for sales and marketing roles. Their ability to build relationships, collaborate with diverse teams, and inspire others positions them as valuable assets in driving sales and promoting brands.

3.    Healthcare: Veterans' technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork skills make them ideal candidates for roles in the healthcare industry. Their ability to analyze complex situations, find innovative solutions, and collaborate effectively with diverse groups of people enables them to excel in healthcare settings.

These are just a few examples that demonstrate the versatility and applicability of veterans' transferable skills in various civilian roles. By recognizing and leveraging these skills, employers can tap into a highly talented pool of individuals who bring a unique perspective and a strong work ethic to their organizations.

Resources for Veterans: Job Placement Programs and Support Networks

For veterans transitioning into civilian careers, there are numerous resources available to support their journey. Job placement programs specifically designed for veterans offer guidance, training, and networking opportunities that help them navigate the job market successfully. These programs provide veterans with access to mentors, job search assistance, resume writing workshops, and interview preparation.

In addition to job placement programs, support networks play a vital role in assisting veterans during their transition. These networks connect veterans with fellow veterans who have successfully transitioned into civilian careers, providing them with valuable insights and support. Veterans can also access counseling services, career coaching, and financial assistance through these support networks.

It is crucial for veterans to tap into these resources to maximize their potential and successfully transition into civilian careers. By leveraging job placement programs and support networks, veterans can navigate the job market effectively, identify opportunities that align with their skills and interests, and secure meaningful employment.

Conclusion: Encouraging Employers to Recognize and Value Veterans' Transferable Skills

In conclusion, veterans have many transferable skills that make them highly valuable in the civilian workforce. From their communication and leadership abilities to their problem-solving and teamwork skills, veterans bring a unique perspective and a strong work ethic to their roles. Employers must recognize and value these skills, understanding the immense potential that veterans possess.

By leveraging veterans' transferable skills, organizations can tap into a highly talented pool of individuals who are equipped to drive success and innovation. Veterans' adaptability, discipline, and ability to thrive under pressure make them assets in any industry. It is crucial for employers to create inclusive hiring practices and provide opportunities for veterans to highlight their skills and contribute to the growth of their organizations.

In recognizing and valuing veterans' transferable skills, we not only support their successful transition into civilian careers but also benefit from the vast talents and experiences they bring to our workplaces. Let us embrace the strengths of veterans and create a workforce that honors their invaluable contributions.


Mastering the Art of Building a Thriving Fully Remote Company

The above picture shows a woman working at her home desk and she is on a video call. Image via Freepik

Mastering the Art of Building a Thriving Fully Remote Company

In today's digital era, the concept of a fully remote company has become increasingly popular. But to truly succeed in this endeavor, you need to navigate through several crucial aspects. JOFDAV delves into the key points that will guide you toward establishing a thriving remote business.

Choose the Right Business Model

When starting a fully remote company, selecting the appropriate business model is crucial. Certain businesses, like technology startups, digital marketing agencies, and software development companies, naturally thrive in remote environments due to their online core operations.

Furthermore, explore industries where seamless digital collaboration is possible, as cloud-based tools and virtual project management platforms have facilitated effective teamwork in fields like design, content creation, and healthcare, even when team members are dispersed across various locations.

Operational Efficiency with Automation and AI

Efficiency is crucial in a fully remote company, and achieving it involves integrating automation and AI platforms to streamline operations. Routine tasks are handled seamlessly with automation AI, allowing your team to concentrate on critical business aspects.

Automation optimizes workflows, minimizes errors, and bolsters productivity across departments like customer service and finance, while AI contributes to data analysis, customer insights, and informed decision-making. The adoption of these technologies provides your remote company with a distinct competitive advantage.

Effective Promotion Strategies

Successfully promoting a fully remote company demands a distinctive strategy that goes beyond traditional marketing methods. Tailoring a marketing plan specifically for remote businesses is essential. Begin by harnessing the power of online platforms and social media, recognizing that your digital presence is the storefront in today's digital landscape.

Invest in crafting engaging content and nurturing a robust online brand presence. Moreover, explore targeted online advertising and content marketing strategies that connect with remote workers, emphasizing the advantages of remote work such as work-life balance and flexibility.

Foster a Strong Company Culture

Preserving a robust company culture can be tough with a geographically dispersed team, but it's vital for keeping employees satisfied and productive. To achieve this, foster a remote-friendly work environment by establishing clear remote work policies and communication guidelines.

Additionally, promote team bonding through virtual activities and consistent communication, utilizing virtual team-building exercises, online game nights, and virtual coffee breaks to enhance the sense of belonging among your remote workforce.

Essential Remote Work Technology

For a smoothly running fully remote company, investing in appropriate technology is paramount. Research and procure tools tailor-made for remote work, with video conferencing and project management software being essential components.

Moreover, guarantee your team enjoys access to dependable high-speed internet connections, as subpar connectivity can impede both productivity and communication, making it a worthwhile investment to provide these resources for your remote workforce.

Efficient Document Management

Effective document management is vital for remote companies. Implement a document management system that allows for easy access, organization, and sharing of documents. Consider saving documents as PDFs for consistency, compatibility, and easy sharing among team members.

Exploring online PDF tools for editing and compression can further enhance document management efficiency. These tools make it simple to collaborate on documents and reduce the burden of file management.

Effective Communication

In a remote company, communication is the glue that holds everything together. Establish clear communication channels and protocols. Use video conferencing and messaging apps to keep everyone connected and informed. Regular check-ins, team meetings, and one-on-one discussions help maintain transparency and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Time Management Tools

Lastly, invest in online time management software to help your remote team stay organized and productive. These tools offer features for tracking tasks, managing schedules, and improving time management skills. With the right time management tools in place, your team can better allocate their time and meet deadlines consistently.

Building a fully remote company is not just about remote work; it's about crafting a successful and sustainable remote business model. By addressing these key points, you'll be well-prepared to navigate the intricacies of remote work, foster a cohesive team, and achieve lasting success in the digital age. In the world of remote work, adaptability, effective communication, and technological proficiency are the cornerstones of a thriving fully remote company.


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How Disabled Veterans Can Make a Living From Home Part-Time

The above picture shows a disabled veteran sitting in a wheelchair in from of the American flag.

How Disabled Veterans Can Make a Living From Home Part-Time

Think about your typical day. How much time do you spend commuting? What about work and the rest of your responsibilities? If this leaves you with very little free time, you’re not alone. Many disabled veterans struggle to balance their professional and personal lives, which is why so many look for ways to make money from home.

If you have a passion, skills, or hobby that isn’t being fully utilized in your current job but you need additional income, perhaps making money online is the solution to your problems. Here, Job Openings for disABLED Veterans provides information on various ways to make a living from home and how they can help you succeed in doing so.


How to Assess Your Marketable Skills

If you’re looking to make some extra money on the side, there are also a number of ways to do that. You can start by taking advantage of your existing skills and looking for part-time work that you can do from home. There are also a number of ways to start your own business online, which can be a great way to earn some additional income.

Whatever your situation, if you’re looking to make money from home, there are plenty of options available to you. All you need to do is assess your skills and find the right opportunity.

Potential Business Ideas

There are also many ways to start your own business online, from establishing a dropshipping location to affiliate marketing. And if you’re looking for something a little less traditional, there are even opportunities to make money by playing video games or completing online surveys.

If you choose to sell products from your business website, look into commerce software solutions that allow you to easily create an interactive interface that is customized for user preferences. You should also be able to track your site’s data and scale as needed.

Of course, before you start any sort of money-making venture online, Novorésumé notes that it’s important to do your research and avoid any job scams. There are also some things to keep in mind when it comes to taxes. But if you’re careful and smart about the way you go about making money online, there’s no reason you can’t be successful.

How to Start Your Own Business

The first step is to come up with a business idea, which can be the result of the following steps to start a project kickoff. During this phase, you should answer a few key questions that address the problem (or need) the project will solve, what a successful outcome looks like, and which team members will be involved in the day-to-day execution of the project. Then, once you have a business idea, as Business News Daily points out, you need to validate it by testing the market.

After you validate your business idea, it’s time to start building your business. This includes creating a brand, developing a marketing strategy, and putting together a sales funnel. Finally, you need to launch your business and start making money.

There are many different ways to make money online as a disabled veteran. You just have to find the opportunity that best suits your skills and interests. With so many possibilities out there, there’s no reason you can’t be successful in making money online.

Why You Should Form an LLC

There are several benefits of forming an LLC for your business, including limited liability, tax advantages, less paperwork, and flexibility.

If you’re running a business, forming an LLC is a smart way to protect yourself and your business interests. A great way to save on expensive lawyer fees is to register your LLC by yourself or hire a formation service to do it for you.

Just keep in mind that every state has its own unique laws and regulations governing LLCs. So check to make sure you are complying with your state’s rules before proceeding.

Take Back Control of Your Time

If you feel like your life is stifled by your job, then find a different solution. Perhaps starting your own part-time business from home will give you the flexibility you need while also supporting your financial needs. Start with a plan, register your business as an LLC, and get great e-commerce software that will help you to track your sales and make appropriate business decisions. You may be surprised by what you can do!